FieldWiz V1

V1 Firmware upgrade

The Firmware is the piece of software that manages the device behavior. At Insiders we are constantly improving our devices and are often releasing new Firmware upgrades. The following documentation shows you how to check the Firmware version of your device and upgrade it to the latest version. Verify the version of your Sensor Connect the Pod to a computer with an USB cable.   Open the file “config.txt”.   Check the Version (e.g. B0 in the above example). The actual version is: C2 If your Pod is not at the latest version, proceed with the upgrade. Upgrade the Sensor individually IMPORTANT NOTE: The Firmware upgrade of your device might […]

V1 Firmware upgrade 続きを読む »

Quick start with Sensor(s) V1

Before the Game Turn on the pod by pressing the button for 1 second until the green LED starts. Turned ON, the Pod will search for a GPS signal. It takes max. 2 minutes. The LED blinks slowly during this time. Once operational, the LED blinks rapidlyand the analysis begins. It is required for the proper functioning of the device to check its position on each player and that the LED is pulsing (In the right position you can read the number and see the LED pulsing). Each pod has a unique number. Note which player has which number. After the Game Turn off the pods by pressing the button

Quick start with Sensor(s) V1 続きを読む »

Quick Start with Docking V1

Before the Game Turn on the pod by pressing the button for 1 second until the green LED starts. It is required for the proper functioning of the device to check its position on each player and that the LED is pulsing (In the right position you can read the number and see the LED pulsing). Each pod has a unique number. Note which player has which number. After the Game Turn off the pods by pressing the button 3 consecutive times. The LED turns off. Plug the pods in the docking station and turn on the docking station. Check that each pod is on (green LED ON). Insert the

Quick Start with Docking V1 続きを読む »
