Quick Start FieldWiz V2

Before the Game

Before starting to use the device, you must activate it by taking its ownership. For more information, please read the section How To Activate Your FieldWiz V2.

Make sure you have configured your sensor with a player. See related section for more information.

  • First, turn on the sensor by pressing the button.
  • The LED will start blinking slowly.
  • Let it finds the GPS signal until the LED starts blinking faster.
    This operation should take up to 2 minutes maximum.

It is required for the proper functioning of the device to check its position on each player and that the LED is ON (In the right position you can read the number and see the LED).

After the Game

You will have to turn the device off, and then proceed to the data synchronization.

  • Turn off the sensor by pressing the button 3 consecutive times.
  • The LED will turn off.
  • Proceed with the data synchronization by connecting it to your computer with the USB-C cable or to the Docking station.

    With Docking Station
    See section Sync and Charging with Docking Station V2

    With USB-C Cable
    See section Upload Data from Sensor(s) V2 (from analyse help site)
