How to Activate your INSPIRIT

Take the ownership

To activate the device, you need to take its ownership by following the below steps:

  1. Plug your device to your computer using the USB cable provided with the device
  2. Once your device is recognised by your computer, the below message will appear at the bottom right of your screen. If you click on this message, Insiders website will be opened in your default browser
  1. Open the API Device’s Activation page
  2. Enter your Manager account credentials
    Note: if you do not a Manager account yet, please click on the link “Create an account” at the bottom of the login page and fill the form. In case of issue, please contact us.
  1. In the field called “Serial number of device” (1), enter the Serial Number available on the back of your device, under the bar-code
  2. Then, click on “Select device” (2)
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  1. Under your browser’s address field, a list will be displayed. Find your INSPIRIT device and select it (3) by clicking on it
  2. Then click on “Connect” (4)
  1. The field called “Name of the device” will be automatically filled
  2. To finalise your device’s activation, click on Submit (5)
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  1. Your device is now activated. You can now start using the device. Note: for more details on how to use the device, please read the “Quick Start INSPIRIT” document.
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  1. If you have more devices to activate, please click on the bottom link “Activate an other device”.
  2. If you activated all your devices, please logout by click on the link located on the right hand side of your login name.
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